Breaking News: Vol. Lose Yet Another player to NFL Draft

Earlier this weekend, another rostered player for the Tennessee Volunteers was lost to the NFL Draft. Jeremiah Crawford, an offensive lineman with the Vols who started 13 of his 29 games, filed for the draft. In theory, Tennessee still has a lot of strength going into the upcoming season, but the loss of Crawford hurts their depth. “Leader and Savior Jesus Christ deserves all praise and thanks, so let me start by thanking God. None of this would be possible without Him. Just wanted to say thanks to all of the love and support I’ve had while playing here, Vol Nation. In addition, I want to express my gratitude to my Goddard, Butler, and Tennessee teammates, friends, and coaches who have supported me throughout the journey.

Journey of Goddard's Jeremiah Crawford to Tennessee football | Wichita Eagle

I played collegiate football at Butler Community collegiate, and I would never have believed that I would be writing this now. I want to express my gratitude to my junior coaches, who truly helped me grow into the guy and athlete I am today. I appreciate your unwavering support and for showing me what this is all about, Coach Haremza. You will always rank among the greatest. I want to express my gratitude to each and every one of my coaches at Tennessee for believing in me and supporting me as I strive to play collegiate football at the greatest level.

I don’t know where I would be without all of you. I’ve had teammates from college football who have become brothers. Our friendships will endure forever, and I will always be grateful for all of the experiences. My mother deserves a particular thank you from me. You’ve taught me how to fight for what I want in life and how to endure hardships. You have made so many sacrifices to enable me to enjoy the privileges I do. I will always be appreciative. I also want to express my gratitude to the rest of my family for their unwavering prayers and love and support throughout this journey. The most incredible and devoted fans are those of Vol.

You all don’t realize how much I appreciate the love and support you have shown me since I moved to campus; I am constantly in awe of it! Having said that, I’m thrilled to declare that I’ve declared for the 2024 NFL Draft.” Crawford, Jeremiah


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